The MotherBabyIodine project aims to bring attention to the extent and consequences of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) in pregnant women and women of reproductive age (12-50) which continue to affect both developed economies and countries in development.
The 7 Project leaders have taken the initiative to launch a multi-stakeholder campaign to raise awareness about the causes and consequences of IDD with the general public, initially in Indonesia and subsequently throughout the world.
The level of awareness of why iodine is necessary for human consumption is declining not only with the general public but also with policy makers and health care professionals leading to resurgence of iodine deficiency.
Iodine deficiency during pregnancy results in adverse health effects not only to the mother but more so to the child during its first 1000 days of life beginning from conception. The mother with severe IDD will potentially give birth to a child threatened with cretinism and growth retardation. Even mild iodine deficiency can cause a significant loss of up to 10-15 IQ points.
Universal salt iodization is the first-line strategy for supplementation of iodine and is highly recommended for women living in iodine-deficient countries who are planning pregnancy and throughout its various stages and even beyond lactation.
The project leaders visualize building a coalition of cross-sectored, like-minded stakeholders who are involved in raising awareness to minimize iodine deficiency in women of reproductive age. It is envisioned to involve International Organizations, Industry (salt and food and feed), Medical Professionals (especially Endocrine, Obstetrical & Pediatric Societies, Patients’ Organizations), and Ministries of Health, among others. The objective is to set a path via the project leaders to these opinion leaders in order for them to spread the message not only through traditional instructional methods but more so by using social media and other means of communication.
Let us know how we can help! Get in touch and we'll give you a fresh perspective on fighting Iodine Deficiency
There are different ways to achieve Iodine Sufficiency during pregnancy. Next to iodized salt, there are other sources of iodine
It is of eminent importance that all women in childbearing age are aware of the consequences of Iodine Deficiency for a child during the first 1000 days after conception